“I learned something about myself tonight, kid. It ain’t comedy in my blood – it’s Selling Out.”

Niecy's dictionary defines 'Cute Hoorism' as; A distinctly Irish form of arm-chancing designed to enrich oneself regardless of legality or morality and usually at the expense of those you consider beneath you. Similar: Acting the bollocks, Acting the greedy bollocks, Taking the piss because you're a bit of a bollocks. We don't win Eurovision anymore…

Firstly, Are you Okay?

I ask this, because I'm not. I'm not okay. *deep breath* Okay. It feels very strange to be sitting here googling "How is silage made?" And I imagine you feel a lot like me; confused, curious, even a little turned on. Apparently, silage is made by "cutting fresh (green) fodder, compacting it, and storing and…